Yoga & Veganism/The Roots of Animal Voices

Ted Grand and daughter, Stella

We’re joined by special guest co-host and co-founder of Animal Voices, Ted Grand. We’ll hear about the origins of this very radio show that’s been on the air for over 10 years and what it was like paving the way for this forum of animal advocacy discussion.

Ted is also co-founder and co-director of Moksha Yoga and will co-host an enlightening discussion with guest, David Life, on how the principles of yoga coincide with veganism, environmentalism, social awareness and non-violent living. Life is a prominent animal activist and co-founder of Jivamukti Yoga which is recognized by TIME magazine as one of the nine methods of hatha Yoga taught in the world today. We’ll discuss David’s “world domination plan: kindness”, finding peace through the spiritual foundations of yoga, and his inspiring work in yoga and activism, including co-creating the Animal Mukti Free Spay & Neuter Clinic in New York City.

Ted Grand created the Moksha Yoga sequence of postures. In creating the series he drew upon 12 years of yoga experience and more than one thousand hours of training in Yoga Therapy, Yoga Teaching, and Traditional Yoga. Ted has studied teacher training programs under Bikram Choudhury in Los Angeles, Acharya Yoganand Karandikar in Pune, India and with Georg Feuerstein at the Yoga Research and Education Centre in San Francisco. He has also been fortunate to study teacher training with Janice Clarfield (pre-natal yoga), Rod Stryker (yoga philosophy), John Friend (Anusara Yoga), PatriciaWalden (Iyengar Yoga), and Judith Hanson Lasater (Restorative Yoga). Ted is co-owner of Moksha Yoga Uptown, Moksha Yoga Danforth and Moksha Yoga Montreal, and is co-founder of Yaletown Yoga in Vancouver. He has been teaching yoga for many years now, and works to support beginners as well as more experienced students with finding a path to peace through their yoga. At heart, Ted is also a proud husband and father, an organic farmer, and an environmental/social activist.

Together with Sharon Gannon, and through the blessings of his teachers, David Life has created the Jivamukti Yoga Method, which focuses on teaching and practicing yoga as a means to enlightenment. The Jivamukti Yoga Method is taught world-wide in Jivamukti Yoga centers independently owned and directed by students of Gannon and Life. These centers are in Munich, London, Toronto, Detroit and the West Village of NYC. David is a certified Advanced Level II practitioner of the Ashtanga system of Shri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore India. When David created Life Cafe in 1980 it was a coffeehouse with vegetarian chili, and espresso made one-at-a-time on an electric hotplate. Life Cafe featured jazz, art, and poetry. Together with Sharon Gannon and Janet Rienstra, he established the Animal Mukti Free Spay & Neuter Clinic in New York City at the Humane Society of NYC in 1999. He is a long time vanguard member of PETA, working with them on various projects and campaigns to help make this world a kinder place. Along with Gannon he has established a 76 acre Wildlife Forest Sanctuary in upstate New York.

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