The Social Power of Cinema

This week we host a discussion with Cornell University sociology PhD student, Loredana Loy, on how representations of nonhuman animals and advocacy issues in cinema provide opportunities for social change and create an auspicious momentum for advocacy on behalf of nonhuman animals. Loredana;s blog series “Cinema for Social Change” provides a glimpse into her research on the subject. While many movies fail to produce thoughtful and moving animal characters and stories, the ones that get it right can have an enormous impact and outreach. Modern forces of industrialization and urbanization have hidden nonhuman animals and consequently their exploitation from our everyday experiences, but cinema has the power to reintegrate them into our lives. So what makes a good film? How did activists build momentum around movies that include positive animal advocacy themes? How can we become more effective? Listen in this week for answers to these questions and analysis of films that really got it right.

At the end of the segment, you will get to hear a poem by Jared Paul. Jared is a totally rad, vegan, social and environmental justice activist and artist, and slam poetry champion from Providence, Rhode Island.

Loredana’s other movie-themed blogs: Review of The Plague Dogs:…/the-plague-dogs-revival-of-a-maste…/

Review of Rise of the Planet of the Apes:…/film-analysis-rise-of-the-pla…/

Review of The Turin Horse and Au Hasard Blathazar:…/film-analysis-the-turin-horse…/

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